Friday, April 04, 2008

A little girl's random thoughts...

I'm sitting on the bed, next to my Syr. She is playing a video game and I am enjoying a simple happy sensation of contentedness.

This is especially notable given that we had a difficult early evening thanks to more of my issues - this time a trigger of mine around food. It wasn't the most fun experience, ever, but as always we communicated and learned more about each other in the process.

I'm craving Her, like craving water after walking in the hot, dry, desert all day. I'm craving that indescribeable feeling of Her cock driving into me, filling me, claiming me.

She kisses me and I shiver inside, in my very spirit-center from down deep and low to that high point inside of me that makes me near giddy with want and need.

I'm craving the feeling of Her teeth against my soft skin, and of the span of Her hand pressing me down, holding my body into the mattress as Her cock plays me like a musical instrument.

I want to feel Her hands tangle in my hair and pull, hard, as She presses - so deep - and Her body shudders as She comes inside me.

I want to surrender, and melt, and obey and be.

1 comment:

Lenora said...

Hi. you've been tagged to create a six-word memoir. If you care to play, the instructions are can be found at

As always I enjoy your blog and hope things are going well for you.
