Friday, September 18, 2009


Exactly one week ago, my Owner brought to my attention a topic that She wanted me to think about - "proper manners" - when, where, & why.

In working on the Outline for Growth in Service, one thing that presented itself (thanks to my inspiration, O and f) was protocol.

We're not a high protocol couple. Protocols can be tough, unrealistic at times with all of the privacy issues that we have to deal with. But She raised an interesting point - when is it time to assume a more polite set of mannerisms with Her?

This came up because we were bantering back and forth and Syr took that 'tone', the one that means it's time to listen up and when I answered Her question, I said "Yes". She prompted me for a more proper reply but I was sleepy or not paying attention or both. She was fishing for the "Yes Syr" or "Yes Daddy" that would be expected during a slightly higher protocol 'moment' between us and I hadn't caught on.

For us, these moments are not the sort of thing we can plan or schedule ahead of time. They happen when they happen. And Syr counts on me to be attentive enough to not miss them when they do happen.

One thing that I need to work on is being more aware, and attentive to those moments when they occur. Missed opportunities are simply that, and there is a level of service provided when I can sense these mood-shifts and follow Her lead.

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