Monday, February 04, 2008

Hilarity in the Bedroom

Syr and I have a VERY healthy sex life, at least as far as my (biased) opinion goes. Our 'dry spells' last days, not weeks or months. We have a similar appetite though I think She would argue that I'm the more insatiable of the two of us. Generally speaking, however, the only thing that holds us back is life circumstances beyond our control (lack of privacy, time, social engagements, illness, other ailments, etc) rather than lack of mood. For this, I am quite grateful.

Last night was definitely one of those "it just isn't going to happen" kind of nights.

The evening began with some intense ranting and venting on Syr's part about some ongoing drama going on in our housing situation. She is stressing over that particular situation and She processes this stress by playing out all the potential what-ifs with regard to the next steps, outcome, etc. This stresses me out! My coping mechanism is a functional yet oddly hypocritical method whereupon I like to be prepared but also prefer not to think about it and 'cross that bridge when we get to it'. So generally this sort of venting leaves us both feeling a wee bit unsettled and/or tense.

However, I came up with a great idea to break the tension! We have a movie rental club membership and one of the newest arrivals was a spoof on American Pie (and an independent unrated attempt at making 'the gayest movie ever') called "Another Gay Movie". We had originally intended to watch it with the boys (having only the title and a review to go on) and thank GOODNESS we decided to watch it alone as a distraction from the tension.

It was unrated - and omg, was it unrated!! It was goofy but absolutely hilarious and filled with nothing but the gross-humour such as can be found in the American Pie movies - and worse, if you can imagine. It's a type of movie I normally hate, so I was both horrified at my spontaneous eruptions of body-wrenching belly laughs and the similar laughs escaping from my Syr.

An interesting, and equally horrifying/embarassing side effect was that quite a few of the more graphic (and way over the top) sex scenes between the male characters was just turning me on! And, equally interesting, was a curious little glint in Syr's eyes as well. I'd never watched gay male porn, and was more than a little intrigued to see these men even just kissing each other!

Afterward, in our amused and even more amusingly aroused state, we decided to have a quickie.

Okay... that's not quite accurate...

Syr and I were snuggling and I gigglingly suggested that it'd be really great to have a quickie, and if She'd consider it, I'd buy Her Starbucks in the morning and I also told Her that I'd make room in the budget so She could eat out at lunch!! We were both laughing a bit the whole time but then the mood shifted, just so, and we were wiggling out of our clothes quicker than anything and Syr was strapped up and ready to dive in within mere moments!

The goal was clear - hot, intense, passionate and... quick! Because it wasn't about duration, the intensity level was through the roof.

Suffice to say, Syr rocked my world - and then some. Obviously so, because 15 minutes or so into it, the bed beneath us caved in.


We both stopped what we were doing and burst out laughing - but since the timing was less than ideal, we forged ahead anyway to.. er... finish what had been started.

Afterwards, getting out of the caved-in-bed took some doing and I ended up kneeling on my fur while we fixed it. It was not technically broken, but rather the wood slats that hold up the mattress had shifted and fallen out of the frame from the er, motion. *snicker*

We looked at the bed.

Syr looked so proud as She exclaimed - "I fucked you so hard, I broke the bed!" Then she held up her hand for a high five and I complied quite happily.

We grinned at each other and gave each other high fives again - with both hands this time!

We broke the bed!! *grins* We rule.

It was just one of those hilarious, incredible things that I am quite sure neither of us will ever forget.


Anonymous said...

hahahah awesome.

kirana said...

You know, THIS is the good stuff. The laughing, spontaneity, those silly things during good sex... this was a good post. i enjoyed reading it & the gleam in your eyes as you recalled it shined brightly.
