Thursday, June 28, 2007

Written Rules

Describe how you feel about having written rules?

Today's assignment (well, technically yesterday's, I'm a day late) is to discuss my feelings on written rules.

This came about because within the last couple of weeks, Syr has created a list of rules. These rules are still being tweaked but is the most extensive list we've ever had between us.

Among them are :
~Call my mother once/week
~Greet Syr with "Good morning, Syr" every morning
~Make the bed every day
~Cook home-made meals twice/week (minimum)
~Complete writing assignments twice/week (once by Wed, another by Sat at 10pm)
~Elliptical machine at least four times/week plus one other cardio activity at least once/week
~Meditatione for 5 minutes every day

And there are others...

But how do I feel about them? I love them, want them, need them, crave them.

I crave and need the structure that comes with rules, but only when they are enforced. A rule given and not followed up on can be really degrading to the dynamic and to the relationship.

Ultimately -- I'm thrilled with the list of rules.

I need to find more ritual in my day again, rituals that are geared to help me be healthier and happier and also rituals that are geared towards reminding me of my place in Syr's world, of Her posession of me.

I think these will help with that. And that, above all else, is what I am most pleased about.


Anonymous said...

i kinda wish david would be thrilled with a list of rules. ;)

Anonymous said...

i love rules too. although they do have to be followed up on, otherwise i admit that they start to feel pointless.