Sunday, September 20, 2015

Daddy says...

...that if I have time to play with my makeup, then I have time to write an entry. #Touche.

So anyway...  things have felt much more grounded lately and I feel like we're transitioning pretty smoothly into our new normal.

The new normal I'm referring to has to do with lifestyle changes day to day as a result of some financial changes. So far, so good.

Things feel comfortably low-key, and I feel like we've really found our groove of late.

Last week, She gave me the most wonderful massage. She focused on my upper back and shoulders, then chest but probably spent most of the time on my face and it was wonderful... truly.

One important thing I learned from that experience was how much more intimate something like that feels when the attention is totally on you. I realized what a huge difference it makes to receive that kind of attention without any outside distractions. I often will have the tv on while I give Syr a manicure or what have you. So.... a couple days later, I gave Syr a quick mani, a hand massage, a foot massage, and did a similar massage that she'd done for me after that... with candles and music. It was SO much more intimate and connected than when I'm distracted. Not only did She clearly enjoy it more - but I did too. It's not that Syr hadn't commented on it in the past, it's just that I had never really understood the enormity of the differences. Till then. Lesson learned!!

I will be way more aware of this in the future. Will there be times I still offer services while distracted? Real life. Probably. Will I be FAR more aware, now, that it's not nearly the same quality of service I offer when I'm NOT being distracted and make sure that I offer those services as well? Hell yeah.

Always learning. Always growing.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The heart of my slavery

As my mind wandered today at lunch, I found myself thinking about how I personally define slavery. It was one of those wandering thoughts sort of moments, so it was sort of like being in a 'thought bubble' where words popped into mind..... and the words that came to mind first were...



and surrender.

I started thinking about what those things mean to me. Devotion is simple, at least for me. It's either there, or it isn't. And with my Owner, it's there - and plenty of it. 

This morning, while I was listening to the radio, a song came on about doing anything for the one you love. And it occurred to me, in that moment, that for my Owner, I really would. Like really and truly. 

Maybe that seems like a no brainer, but until that moment, the reality of that had never really hit me. But it did this morning. I really would do anything for Her. Anything. Sometimes I have to really WORK at doing things that I need to do to improve for Her. But that devotion I feel right down to my tippy toes? That is the driving force.

Yes, I love my Owner with all my heart. But it's devotion that gives me the drive to never give up, to try harder.... to do more. To put in the effort. Every day.

Loyalty.... I got thinking about this one too.

I may not like confrontation - but I stand by my Owner. And no one better try to mess with Her. Period.

Surrender, ah that's the one that sounds the sweetest, but - in reality - is the absolute hardest.

When I succeed, it's magic. Actual magic. Powerful. Sizzling. Soft. Overwhelming. Complete.

But it isn't easy. It is about more than just softening when Syr presses me against the wall. It's about more than jumping up right away to fetch Her tea when She asks for it.

It's about softening when my instincts (and my difficult past) want me to fight. It's about letting go of control when I want to hold onto it the most. It's about trusting that even when I feel insecure, I can know that I'm safe and held and that She's in the driver's seat and everything will be okay. It's about shutting up when I want to yell and listening when I want to talk. 

So yes... surrender.

Surrender...devotion... loyalty... and of course love - all of these are at the heart of my slavery.