Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gratitude... yes, again

Today, I was humbled when Syr pointed out to me that I hadn't been giving Her my full attention - far from it - and then later when I realized that pretty much all of the stuff that is uncomfortable for me - or takes me outside what i feel ready for is geared to further my own best interests.

In other words, Syr is constantly pushing me outside the linear path because it is one of the ways She works so hard to make my (and our) dreams come true. Sometimes it's hard to recognize because part of me still is worried it will all fall out from under me. But when I get locked up in that fear, I'm really just throwing eggshells down at my own feet.

So today I'm grateful for the push. Grateful for being given opportunities to explore possibilities - no matter how wild and crazy they might seem - because exploring possibilities is the ONLY reason I am where I am in my life right now, and without the constant pressure to step outside my comfort zone, it never would have happened.

So it stands to reason that to maintain this awesomeness - and to grow it into something sustainable, lots of "being outside my comfort zone" is necessary. In fact that is probably all it's going to be for a while.

Need to continue to work hard on faith and trust - particularly in the unknown.

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