Saturday, February 23, 2013

Getting Back In The Swing of Things

No, we're not suddenly swinging. LOL

But, I am actually getting back in the swing of things!

Moving has created a change of scenery which all by itself is a big boost to mood and just feeling good about things. And, the additional bonus is that while we're still not 100% fully done unpacking, this house is so much nicer and better laid out. It's a place we can be proud of and, as such, I'm finding it much, much easier to stay on top of all my chores and finding actual enjoyment in it.

I have a lot on my plate right now, actually. Full time day job. Building my own business which will hopefully be getting busier and busier, and trying to keep my priorities straight at home with regard to my service.

Recently, I stumbled on a to-do list application called Toodledo that I just love. I can keep track of all my tasks on my desktop or phone (or tablet once I add it there) and the web application means I can check on my stuff from anywhere. A cool feature is that I can create three tiers of goals and have short and long term goals feed into lifelong goals... and then any tasks I create can feed into any of the goals so I can actually track my progress.

One of my lifelong goals is to be a better slave. Simple right? So I have some shorter term goals that feed into that, like completing all my chores. I've added all my chores to the application so I can easily see what i need to do and I've added some non physical things too, like reviewing my little list of reminders about how to stay present/mindful, to remind myself to use honorifics Syr enjoys as much as possible, to remind me to make sure She always has a beverage if She wants one, etc. And it's helping!

Plus it feels great to stay on top of all the chores because then the house is neat and clean and organized which just feels so nice - like there's space to breathe. So yes, things are going very, very well!

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