Friday, July 03, 2009

Photography Prize

There was recently a contest going on at FetLife, in one of the groups that I belong to. And in a fortuitous twist of events, my name was pulled randomly for a prize that one of the members had donated!

What was this prize, you ask? A photo shoot with a local photographer!

At first, I wasn't really all that sure what I wanted to do with it. I can be pretty shy, and I don't exactly have a typical model's body. I check out the photographer's work and it looked lovely, and also seemed skinny - at least a majority of it. So I wrote him a thank you note and asked some questions, namely - do you take pictures of fat girls?

He put me at ease right away and we discussed some things that we might both be comfortable with shooting - and then made a coffee date so that my Owner and I could meet him in person and discuss the paperwork and each of our goals for the shoot and our comfort levels.

I was surprised to discover that my Owner was VERY comfortable with the idea of the photos - and actually didn't even really mind the idea of participating. This photographer does primarily nudes and so we knew that going in. We ended up having some fascinating conversation about possible pose ideas that highlighted our dynamic.

When the day for the shoot rolled around, I was nervous but excited and Syr was too. And we ended up having an amazing time. I'm looking forward to seeing the contacts from the shoot but I know there are several pictures that I'm really excited to see.

I may even post some... *wink*

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