Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 Things Meme

I was tagged by Dracona (who delurked to tag me which has me all super excited... it's fun to know there are people out there who are reading what I write, and thrilling in a really unique way)

1. Link to your original tagger and list these rules in your post
2. Share 7 facts about yourself in the post
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, leave their names & links to their blogs
4. Let them know they've been tagged

Okay, so for some facts!  Let me see if I can do some naughty/exciting ones.

1.  I spent many years being polyamorous both in and out of the kink lifestyle.  Some parts of this poly history were really amazing, powerful, uplifting, and full of opportunities for growth and so - so much love.  And some were full of pain and heartache, frustration and jealousy.  Over time, I discovered that when I was poly, I was poly to please my partner or Dominant, or to fulfill an unmet need - but that it ultimately was an unhealthy choice for myself.  That was an important lesson to learn.  I was bitter about it for a while, but I think that now I can look back on the positives with a smile and not dwell too much on the negatives.  Overall - it was definitely a learning experience.

2.  My Owner and I had spent approximately 7-8 days of actual time in person together before She proposed to me, and collared me (same day).   We had spent over a year being very close and spending 5-6 hours a day together online, web-conferencing with voice & cams, and talking on the phone before we met, and after the first visit, finally realized we had fallen in love long before that, and decided to do something about it.  The formal proposal took place my second visit.  The story of our marriage and relationship is far more complicated than that - but it will only make us sound there you have it.

3. I love porn.  I love video porn.  I love dirty, raunchy, realistic and most of all MESSY porn.   And ironically, all the things that I am not the least bit interested in, in real life I LOVE watching on porn.  You won't catch me watching dyke porn (unless it's REALLY good or butch/femme porn which I just haven't found).  No, no, I watch straight porn with lots of good ol' vanilla raunchy sex.  Good stuff.

4. I'm a size queen.  I may be queer, but I love the feeling of cock.  My Owner's cock is enormous, seriously, I can wrap my hand around it but my fingers don't touch.  And we both love the way it makes me feel when She first claims me... the ever present wide-eyed mix of surprise and a touch of pain as I am filled with something so huge.  

5. I wear three things my Owner gifted to me as symbols of Her Ownership: Her collar (a silver bracelet on my right wrist), our wedding band and engagement ring (engagement ring is engraved with "Her little girl" and wedding band with "you belong to Me"), and an elaborate tattoo on my upper back and neck of a very special lock (she has the key designed to fit it tattooed on her chest).

(This is hard!!)

6. I have a major school-girl and cheerleader uniform fetish.  It's clearly all about the pleated skirt.  I mean I would love to wear them if it pleased my Owner, but my major fetish is watching other school-girls or cheerleaders!  I wouldn't really know what to do with one if I got my hands on one.  At Mayhem a particular school-girl let me reach under her skirt and grab her bum a few times, which was great fun - and really I was quite contented with that.

7. I have written a full length novel (thanks to NaNoWriMo) outlining a sex-positive kinky culture with its own set of rules and politics that is fully immersive and hope to one day polish it and submit it to a kinky pansexually friendly publisher who is interested in an immersive story that has too much depth to be the kind of porn one would lie in bed and masturbate to and contains far too much kink and sex to be considered a garden variety romance novel.

I don't want to be a funsucker but I'm not going to tag 7 people, though I dearly hope that anyone who wants to participate will! It's a fun meme!

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