Sunday, September 21, 2008


It's hard to find a groove, sometimes, when day to day life just gets in the way. Syr and I had a series of circumstances that just really put us in, well, a bit of a dry spell I guess you could say.

Most of these circumstances were physical stuff. Not feeling well for one reason or another, busy life stresses preventing privacy, other things having to come first, etc.

But there are have been lessons learned along the way. It's been a long summer, and one lesson I have learned is to work on integrating my respect for Syr as my Owner into these more mundane life realities. To find peace in Her ownership when the world is swirling around us and private moments are hard to come by. I often flounder during those times, and my treatment of Her changes - as if I forget that Her ownership extends into all areas of my life.

It is during these mundane, busy-life times that I often find myself jealous of those who do not live with their Owner, or at least live alone with their Owner. The immersive quality of being able to fully embrace my little girl self without worrying about how it might affect the others around me...

Although, I must say that Syr's discovery of another side of Herself during this time was a lovely addition to our dynamic. Syr found Herself fully embracing the Daddy side much more. While the Daddy/little girl energy was always there, feeling Her full embrace of it was a lovely treat. And I will say that we really enjoyed thriving within that dynamic during our other down-time as it seemed to work naturally.

This week, we have our first opportunity for alone time in a long-time and both of us are looking forward to reconnecting with each other, and re solidifying some things.

Okay, to put it bluntly, I need a really good beating!!! Seriously.

But meanwhile, even just the anticipation of this upcoming alone time has us both feeling a little... on edge... in that absolutely delicious way.

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