Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to be more mindful...

I notice that I often only write here when there are Big Lessonshappening. Well, this is no exception.

I got in an argument with my Owner yesterday. And, as usual, the reason it turned into a full blown argument was because I wouldn't A: stop talking and B: start listening until the damage was done.

One of the things I know I need to work harder on is the way I handle tension and conflict. When I feel panicked or cornered, I tend to talk faster and louder, and listen less - when what I need most is to do the exact opposite, talk less and listen more.

I decided to start doing something to help me remember why this is so important. So I reviewed the Petition for Slavery that I did as an assignment for my Owner this past summer. Reading it through was interesting... it reminded me of two important things...

Just how much my Owner does for me every single day, things I often take for granted.
How much I have to offer, when I am mindful.

So I read it through, and then I created a one page summary of what it contains. First a summary of what Syr offers me. And then a summary of what I have to offer. And finally, in slightly larger font, a summary of the key things for me to focus on each and every day. Reminders. And then I put it in a document on my phone. And in my email. And added it to my daily tasks to read it every day.

I hope I will be consistent because the simple act of reading that every day will be a really wonderful touchstone for me and make it so much easier to be mindful. It's not foolproof... nothing is... and I know I will still make mistakes.

But I have created a tool that will help me be a better me... and that has value. So we'll see where it goes from here.

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