Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Out of control

You know, the hardest moments to stay grounded in the reality that I am owned and not in control, are the moments that I most desperately want to "feel" (note: not actually "be") in control.
Several times a year, at approximately the same time, I become very.... volatile. This seems to happen around the major holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas.... and my birthday. Since the latter is just around the corner, and I happen to also be extremely hormonal, AND recently emotionally triggered, you can just imagine that I am a whole lotta fun right now. Oh my poor Owner.
See, when I feel out of sorts or out of control of my own mind and/or emotions - I seem to grasp for control anywhere I (think I) can get it. This means that I don't want to agree with anyone, for any reason - most especially the One who has all the Control... because I want to be the one in control (except I don't really). Is this confusing to you? Yeah, it's confusing to me too.
So far, I have succeeded in not picking a fight, which is pretty impressive since what I really want to do is let all those whirling emotions out somehow and picking a fight has tended to be the salve of choice to my wounded psyche in times like these. It's not a healthy outlet for either of us and I certainly don't do it intentionally but it makes a twisted sort of sense that when I'm fighting against feelings around not being in control that the One in Control would be the target of all that emotion.... so it was a status quo sorta thing that used to happen. And, to my Owner's credit, She has always had the insight and patience to recognize where this behaviour was coming from - and was able to help me come to grips with it after (and sometimes during) these episodes - which I suppose is a large part why it's easier for me to recognize and be aware of it now.
And so, as I mentioned, I've managed to avoid doing that, mostly by being self-aware enough to recognize my headspace and smart enough to shut up when things seem to start heading in the wrong direction.
What I haven't learned how to do, though, is to completely avoid being snippy and combative. Sometimes, this has seemed to amuse Her, and sometimes, annoy Her, but my ability to back off and check myself - even while avoiding backing *down* entirely, has helped to avert disaster. But it leaves me feeling ungrounded and unsettled.
What I feel like I want and need is someone to fight with - and lash out at, but not be hurt, so I can let out all the random emotion that's flying around inside of me. I think I feel so safe with Syr, that I tend to want that to be Her. Enter an intense craving for a take-down - a hard ass scene where I fight with everything I have and She overpowers me (physically or psychologically), and puts me in my place, and yanks the tears out of me.
The interesting thing is, that as much as I crave it, I also fear it.

So where does that leave me?


stubbornpet.blogspot.com said...

i just want to first off tell you how much i enjoy your blog. i too am married to a wonderful Woman, who takes me breath away, and always strives to help me find my submissive self.
i enjoy all that you have to say; i too struggle especially with control at times, but my Syr is quite paitent with me.
Would it be possible to email you a few questions on how you and your Daddy communicate? I have spoken to my Domme, and She wanted me to do research on it. If you could help me out, that would be so appreciated! Please don't stop blogging; you help me realize i am not alone, and that it is ok to struggle. We're human! Have a wonderful weekend, and i hope to hear from you soon. lilly (stubbornpet)

alena said...

Oh wow, hi! :) And yay! I'm glad to find someone in a similar relationship dynamic. You are of course welcome to email me at little girl alena at gmail dot com (all smooshed together and a . instead of a dot and an @ instead of at). ;) You can ask anything you want... I'll answer if I can! :)
